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The Demo Family

As time marches on, the family gets more complex and expands from Mon, Dad and the kids, to heaps of cousins and spouses and their families. Building cohesiveness within this group is ongoing work that is vital to the success of a family business. Some of the challenges include:
    • Giving each family member a voice
    • Sharing and storing sensitive family documents
    • Communicating digitally with the entire group
    • Updating the wider group on the happenings in our personal lives.
    • Tracking the ever changing list of current addresses, both electronic and physical
    • Connecting the few working at the family business with the many not so employed
    • Providing the ongoing generations with educational resources to help them become better owners and stewards

MultiGen.info helps you manage these challenges that grandma may have quietly done in the past. Key information at your fingertips with an easy to use, easy to access information warehouse and communication tool.
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This demonstration site is a library of information about both the fictitious Demo Family and The Demo Company. There is a resource list and a forum area for general interest posting and discussions. Explore with the username "my" and the password "demo". If this seems like your family then this tool is for you.

Feel free to email requesting additional info you'd like to see or any technical difficulties to Support@multigen.info