Family Information Portal
    • Intra-Family Communication
    • Contact Information
    • Important Dates
    • Personal Stories and Photos
    • Shareholder Communication
    • Family Council Documents
    • Family Council Communications
& Protect
    • Control Access
    • Prevent Loss of Data
    • Prevent Search Engine Access
    • Family Member as Administrator
    • Credential Recovery by E-mail
Each family member having a voice and the ability to be heard are key to promoting family inclusion and cohesiveness. Sharing information and being able to find it when you need helps keep everyone "in the loop".

MultiGen.Info provides the family with an easy to use tool for keeping in touch across the expanding generations. The design goal is to Share and Protect the family’s information under the direction of your Family Council.

See how the Demo family shares and protects their information at today.
Copyright 09/16/2024 by ProminencePoint LLC, FL, USA